Cesar E. Garcia-Ortiz
Cesar Garcia was born in Monterrey, NL. Mexico in September of 1982. He completed his mayor in physics on September of 2009 at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and obtained his PhD degree in 2013 at the same university. His PhD thesis focused on the design and characterization of plasmonic devices.
Main research work included the development of surface plasmon resonance based biosensors and optical characterzation of plasmonic devices using leakage radiation microscopy (LRM). Dr. Garcia-Ortiz has collaborated with the University of Southern Denmark where he worked in the characterization of dielectric-loaded waveguides implementing LRM for imaging. During his PhD he studied the behavior of plasmonic ring resonators. He also worked with  dielectric-loaded waveguides doped with lead-sulfide quantum dots as active medium for partial loss compensation. Other research studies include the generation of plasmonic non-diffractive beams. After his PhD, he spent 2 years as a postdoc researcher in the University of Southern Denmark, working mainly in Quantum Plasmonics, using nanodiamonds with nitrogen-vacancy centers. Currently, he has a full time researcher position (Catedras CONACYT), and is member of the National System of Researchers (SNI 1).
Contact information
E-mail:   cegarcia@cicese.mx

Telephone: (+52) 81 81960363
Mobile: (+52)1 81 16612027