Jesus Gomez Correa
Jesus Gomez was born in H. Cardenas, Tabasco, Mexico in March of 1986. He completed his mayor in physics in September of 2008 at the Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco, Mexico. In 2011, he obtained his MSc degree at the Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica, Mexico, and obtained his PhD degree in 2015 at the same institute with PhD thesis titled "Complete Gradient Refractive Index Lens Schematic Human Eye Model".
During his PhD thesis, a new theoretical schematic model of the human eye was introduced, where the human eye lens is a gradient index lens composed by two oblate half spheroids of different heights and its gradient index is based on the gradient index of the Luneburg lens.

The research work include three-dimensional models of the Human eye using wave optics and geometrical optics. He also works with the wave propagation in Luneburg lenses of different types and in planar and cylindrical waveguides.

Currently, Dr. Gomez-Correa is a full-time postdoc researcher in CICESE, Unidad Monterrey.
Contact information

Telephone: (+52) 81 81960362
Mobile: (+52)1 22 25055926